The Health and Wellness Fair is conducted ever other year. Planning for this large event offers opportunities for involvement and leadership. Contact Leslie Pendleton for more information:, ‭540-230-8139‬.


The AARP Tax-Aide Program provides an opportiunity to help senior complete their tax returns. In 2019, almost 1300 persons in the New River Valley were assisted through this program. Contact Pat Ballard for more information:, 540-449-1804.



Board of Directors Committees


The Board of Directors is composed of elected positions including President Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board members. Most of the work of Board is conducted by standing committees and occasionally by ad hoc committees. A brief description of the duties of each standing committee is listed below:


Awards Committee: The Awards Committee is responsible for seeking nominations for all awards, internal and external to the Chapter, and then selecting recipients for these awards. Two internal Chapter awards are given each year—the Chapter Service Award, and the Community Spirit Award.

Care Committee: This committee facilitates chapter responsiveness when members or others in the committee need help. The full scope of this committee currently is being evaluated but it will offer a wide variety of opportunities for involvement.

Chaplin: The Chaplin provides spiritual guidance for the chapter and delivers a short devotional message at each of the Chapter’s monthly public meetings.

Community Service Committee: This committee facilitaties the active engagement of the chapter in community events including an annual food drive to help local food pantries.

Leadership Development Committee: The purpose of this committee is (a) recruit Board officers and members continuously, (b) Initiate new chapter members, and (c) promote involvement of chapter members.

LLI Partnership: This partnership mainly involves participation in the Program Committee of the Lifelong Learning Institute at Virginia Tech.

Financial Planning and Audit Committee: This committee establishes financial procedures and planning for the chapter. It audits the Treasurer’s records and report results at the February Board Meeting. It also prepares an annual budget for the Chapter presented for approval at the February board meeting.

Health and Wellness Committee: This committee plans and executes a biennial event exhibiting area enterprises involved in providing health and wellness services. 

Hospitality Committee: This committee conducts activities to welcome members and guests at chapter events, and provide light refreshments. The committee also plans the annual chapter holiday luncheon and the annual picnic.

Legislative Committee: This committee provides information and recommendations to the Board and Chapter Members about legislative proposals, decisions, and issues at the local, county, state, and federal levels that may affect the lives of older persons in any significant way.

Membership Committee: This committee maintains an active membership roster for Chapter use, conducts membership drives, and works to retain members and recruit new members.

Newsletter CommitteeThis committee prepares and publishes 9 issues of the chapter newsletter and distributes each issue to active members and others as determined by the Board of Directors.

Program Committee: This committee plans and executes 8 programs for the public member meetings of the chapter.

Website and Communicatons Committee: This committee designs and maintains the Chapter website. The site is constructed to enable storage of all pertinent chapter documents such as minutes, newsletters, bylaws, manuals, photos, business forms, membership applications, and other relevant digital artifacts.


Liaison Positions


AARP Liaison

AARP Tax Aide Liaison

Town of Blacksburg/Blacksburg Community Center Liaison

Virginia Tech Retiree Association Liaison

Lifelong Learning Institute at Virginia Tech

Volunteer Montgomery


Each liaison attends relevant meetings, engages actively in each organization’s activities, and reports activities of both organizations to the respective governing boards.

Opportunities for Member Involvement

All citizens of the New River Valley are welcome to join our chapter and participate in our many activities. Our work is devoted mainly to two goals: (1) Providing educational programs for citizens of the New River Valley and (2) working with other organizations with similar or overlapping goals to achieve mutually desired outcomes.


There is much to be gained by simiply participating in our events, including meeting other people in the community and enjoying the social benefits of interacting with others. For those interested in more active participation, we offer many leadership opportunities by working with our standing committees or becoming an officer or Board member.


If you want to know more about how you can become involved in our work, call or write any member of our Board of Directors. 


